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Windows 7 Setup – How to Install Windows 7 – Formatting

I heard a lot of requests to prepare this article. How to install Windows 7Computer Format How to play? Instead of filling in this article with a few questions, such as how to make harddisk adjustments, I would like to go to video fast.
Computer Format How to play? How to Install Windows 7? You can learn by watching your video …
It is useful to watch the video before starting the process, and it is important that you do not make any mistakes that will not turn around.
  • If you choose to download an ISO file so you can create a bootable file from a DVDor USB drive Create bootable USB drives the easy way:
    boot options menu, search the name of your BIOS
    (Press F12,Esc,F2,F10 to Choose Boot Device) or (Press Del for Setup) to  BIOS setup

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