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Windows 10 is much faster, more stable and takes longer with a single charge after being launched two years ago

Windows 10 is the most popular Microsoft product at the moment and after a long time, a product that was greatly received by the audience. However, as always in Microsoft's past, it has not gone smoothly, especially in the first year. With the first major Anniversary Update, Microsoft partially encountered "glitches", but real progress was made with the Creators Update this year.

Due to frequent negative comments about the instability of Windows 10, Microsoft specifically highlights improvements in this part after the last major upgrade. In particular, they emphasize that Windows 10 is now 39% more stable at the operating system level and in terms of drivers, which was a real problem for older computers and laptops. Also, Windows 10 after the Creators Update starts up 15% faster, Web sites open 53% faster, while Windows Hello recognizes the face of the user for 30% faster time.

Microsoft says that Windows 10 also allows longer battery life for laptops and tablets, especially if their applications are used. For example, in the Movies & TV application, when watching offline videos, the battery will last from 2.5 to 5% longer, while if the user's Surge on Edge, you can hope for a 17% longer battery life. As a matter of fact, Windows 10 with these improvements provides a lot of smoother experience for users, something Microsoft promises to further improve in the future.

The biggest advantage of Windows 10 in terms of competitors, and especially in terms of improving the user experience, is that Microsoft is in regular communication with its users. In particular, they are one of the few companies that regularly monitor the problems of users of Windows 10 and their requirements for implementation of novelties in the system, which contributed to the relatively rapid progress of the operating system and upgrades that always bring something new and fresh.

In fact, thanks to this, the Fall Creators Update upgrade, which will arrive in the next few months, will bring great improvements in user privacy, which is still one of the biggest problems in Windows 10.

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